With only two weeks left until my trip to Saudi Arabia, the excitement is really beginning to build. Each of the 24 teachers who were selected from across the US to travel on this trip have been in regular contact with each other through a listserv set up by our host, Aramco Services. We have mentors who host the listserv who can answer specific questions about our upcoming experience. They have been a wonderful resource.
What am I doing to get ready?
Great question! Aramco provided each of us with a detailed packing list, so each day now, I review the list and add a few more items to my suitcase. The clo

I also bought a brand new camera to help capture wonderful images of Saudi Arabia while I travel. I plan to bring a laptop from the Amherst Middle School to help record and post daily entries while I travel.
Are your students helping you to get ready?
Yes! My 7th graders are all helping to get me ready by asking lots of great questions. Each student wrote a mini report about Saudi Arabia on a topic of their choice and then presented their research to the class. They shared wonderful information about the local customs, culture, architecture, sporting events and government of the region. I hope to add to the discussions when I return with additional information.
What will you be doing while you are in Saudi Arabia?
We have a rough itinerary which will bring us to the cities of Damman, Riyhad and Jeddah. We are expected to meet with local business men and women, newspaper journalists, school teachers and local community members.
Are you bringing any gifts to give to the schools you visit?

The 7th graders at AMS are helping me to prepare bags to give to each school. The bags will contain a colorful book on the history and culture of New Hampshire, a New Hampshire bumper sticker, NH pins donated by the local Amherst Lions Club, maple syrup samples and NH postcards written by many of the students in the grade.
Don't forget to post your comments and questions each time you visit this site.